To advance the understanding and development of LLPS-sensitive tools, we pursued new quantitative approaches to fully dissect the biomolecular engineering and …
Meet Ojas Gupta
We asked Ojas Gupta, a Georgia Tech BME student who is conducting undergraduate research under the mentorship of Spencer Hayes, about his life and experience …
Meet Keerthy Rangan
We asked Keerthy Rangan, an Emory QSS and Biology student who is conducting undergraduate research under the mentorship of Ian Sicher, about her life and …
Spencer Hayes starts his PhD journey
We are excited to announce that Spencer Hayes, who recently obtained his MS BMED (with Thesis) with us, has joined us formally as a PhD student in the GT/Emory …
New publication: on the programmability and biomedical utility of disordered protein-polymers
With the goal of inspiring the bioengineering of multifunctional biomaterials based on intrinsically-disordered proteins (IDPs), we synthesized recent …