We are excited to welcome Kai Littlejohn to the Lab as a PhD student. Check out the short interview below to learn more about Kai’s research experience and diverse interests.
What is your training/research background?
In 2018, I earned a bachelor’s degree in Chemical Engineering from Tuskegee University. My research interests are in engineering smart materials for drug and gene delivery. My background is in clinical and basic science research in protein interactions, nanoparticle characterization, and gene editing.
Why did you choose to join the Quiroz Lab at GT/Emory BME?
I chose the Quiroz Lab because I wanted to join a team that would inspire me to think outside the norm. In addition, I wanted to work with a PI that focuses on protein and cellular-level dynamics of disease and for my work to apply to many different diseases.
When you are not doing research, what do you like to do?
When I am not doing research, I am traveling, hiking, and creating.
Kai Littlejohn PhD student Wallace H. Coulter Dept. of Biomedical Engineering Georgia Institute of Technology and Emory University kai.littlejohn[at]emory.edu |